Introduction: Cement Cloth Ghosts !!

About: I like to make stuff for my home and garden from wood and metal..

BOOOO! This easy instructable is about how I made a Cement cloth ghost. As it’s getting near Halloween I decided to have a go making a ghost prop. I wanted to make something that would last rather than the cheap paper ones that I seem to buy each year and end up disintegrating with the slightest hint of rain or ripping and ending up in the neighbour’s garden with the slightest breeze.

Step 1: Have a Look at the Video Below.

Look at the video above.

Step 2: Materials and Tools Needed.


An old towel


White & Black paint

Ball & pipe (Formwork)





Drill & paint mixer (Optional)

Paint brushes

Step 3: The Cloth.

The cloth I used was a large old towel. I started by cutting away all the hard edges of the towel with a scissors. What was left was roughly square shape. Then I rounded the corners of the towel again using a scissors.

Step 4: Form Preparation.

To create the head shape of the ghost I used a kid’s soccer ball. To keep the ball up in the air so the cloth could drape down I sat it on a scrap piece of pvc pipe. Be sure the ball and pipe are fixed together and then secured to the bench otherwise when you try to put the cloth on top it will just fall apart. I covered the ball with cling film to prevent the cement sticking to it.

Step 5: Moisten Towel.

Before adding the towel to the cement it is wise to moisten it. I did so by dipping it in a bucket of water and then rinsing it out. Doing this allows the cement to penetrate more easily into the cloth.

Step 6: Mixing the Cement & Adding the Cloth.

With the form ready and the towel moistened it’s time to mix the cement. I used ordinary Portland cement. I mixed it in a large bucket with water until it reached a smooth creamy consistency. I used a drill with a paint mixer attachment to speed up the mixing process. If it’s too dry it will not penetrate the cloth and if it's too wet it will reduce its strength. Add the towel to the cement mix and mix it in thoroughly until it’s completely covered.

Step 7: Shaping the Ghost Shape.

With the towel now completely covered carefully place it over your form to the required position smoothing out any unwanted wrinkles. I used two sticks to fan out the edges of the towel and then left it to cure for 48 hours.

Step 8: Strengthening the Head.

The ghosts were going to be positioned on bars which are driven into the ground. I believe if I just left the heads of the ghosts as they were eventually the bar would just burst through the head. To combat this I mixed some more cement and poured it into the head (after removing the ball) and then pushed a tapered yogurt pot into it. This allows the bar something to sit into while providing strength to the head.

Step 9: Painting.

The painting is quite easy; I just used some white exterior masonry paint for the body and then painted in the eyes and mouth with some black paint.

Step 10: Thats It!.

And that is it! A cement cloth Halloween ghost. This is an easy cheap decoration for this Halloween to try and it will last for years to come. Thank you very much for looking. Happy Halloween.

If you would like to see more projects from me you can subscribe to my YouTube channel here:Eamon Walsh DIY