Introduction: Chat Basket

Ingredients:10 readymade tartars, (These are available in the market)(if you do not get them, then you can use home made bowl by maida and refined oil)

Step 1: Procedure:

For filling-1 cup boiled corn seeds ,1 cup boiled mix green peas(you can take moong or chana mix soaked one fortnight before boiled with salt and turmeric water)half cup-tomato, onion, green coriander finely chooped,1/2 teaspoon ginger, green chilly paste,1/4 cup tamarind sauce,1/2 lemon juice,1/2 teaspoon chat masala, black salt and red chilly powder(Mix all ingredients properly.)

Toping-1/2 cup sev (thin) and green coriander finely chopped capsicum and tomato and grated paneer.

Put filling material on tarts. Then apply some sev, green coriander (sprinkle) tomato and grated tomato and ENJOY!
Indian Cuisine Contest

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Indian Cuisine Contest