Introduction: Cheap and Easy Tube Document Carrier

About: Many and varied interests. Love learning new things.
I am studying design at uni and am often surprised that I am not often surprised by the ingenuity of fellow students. It seems that it is too easy to run off to a shop and buy something when creative thinking can easily solve a problem. This cheap solution to the problem of easily carrying rolled, poster sized work was seen in a recent lab session. I have no idea who it belonged to so credits cannot be given. To buy the plastic tube version you are looking at  spending $15 - $20. To make the cardboard one you are looking at a great way to recycle an old mailing tube, two rubber armbands and an old bag strap. You can now take that $15 - $20 and buy some better food than instant noodles. Less landfill and more money for food. The only loser here is the art supplies shop.
Instructables Green Design Contest

Participated in the
Instructables Green Design Contest