Introduction: Cheesy Baked Spinach and Mushrooms

About: Have a nice day!
You may have some veggies in your fridge and you don't know what to do with them? Worry not! Here you have a very tasty way to pop them in the oven and turn out with a yummy dish! Even if you don't like spinach, you'll love this, I, myself, am a spinach hater, but I like them this way :3

Step 1: Step 1) Gather Your Ingredients

We part from already sauteed and salted mushrooms.
We need spinach and Cheese, to grill it. That's it, as simple as that.

Step 2: Step 2) Layer Your Ingredients

Firstly, a layer of spinach leaves.
Secondly, a layer of the sliced or chopped sauteed mushrooms.
Thirdly, a layer of grated cheese.
Then repeat again the three layers in the same order.

Step 3: Step 3) Bake It!

Bake it at 350 Fahrenheit, or 180° Celsius, for 20 minutes or until cheese turns golden brown. Then serve it hot so the cheese is meeelteed :3 Enjoy!
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