Introduction: Cheesy Kewra Sugar Balls(chainamurgi)
Cheesy sugar balls are very tasety candies made by using only three ingredients (sugar, cheese, kewra essence)
Kewra water is an aromatic water made from distilled kewra
Kewra water is an aromatic water made from distilled kewra
Step 1: Cut the Cheese
Cut the cheese in small peices and pour them on a big plate
Step 2: Melting Sugar
Take sugar and make its Syrup
Step 3: Mixing
Mix them both in a big pan and. Mix them with the help of a big spoon add one or two table spoon kewra essence which will eluminate ur dush and make the taste gr8
Step 4: Cooling Process
Take a big fan and made the mix cool
It would look like great and smells very well
It would look like great and smells very well
Step 5: Ready and Please Vote for Me
Now after mixing kewra essence it would smell more gr8 just eat it
And if u made it share ur experience in the comments as it is very easy made using only 3 ingredients it can presrve for 1month without expiring without fridge
And if u made it share ur experience in the comments as it is very easy made using only 3 ingredients it can presrve for 1month without expiring without fridge