Introduction: Chess Board

About: I am a landscape gardener for local authority. I repair 2 stroke and small machinery in my spare time and like to make models as a hobby

The materials I used are ahead wood which is palm wood with a very unusual look contrasting well with the colour blue I chose this was mixed with a casting resin used various grades of sand paper with both my orbital sander and my belt sander


Sand paper, set square, ruler, hand saw, resin, colour die, palm wood, blow torch, paint,

Step 1: Cutting and Sanding

I first cut enough stripes of wood for creating the squares of wood and sanded the down and used a mitre box to cut out the squares. I also cut the frame angle with the mitre box. I glued the frame to get her with an apoxy resin.

Step 2: Mixing Resin

I mixed enough resin to hold the blocks in position gave 24hrs to set then did a final layer to finish. I only needed I small amount of the dye to achieve the desired colour then after another 24hrs before it would be ready for the next stage.

Step 3: Sanding and Polishing

For the sanding and polishing I use 80 grit to sand down to the wood blocks on both sides of the then finer and finer grit till all the scratches had gone. The I gave the hole board a polish with Danish polish, this made the hole thing a nice shine.

Step 4: Base and Draws

I have added the 5th step, because I decided to add a base with draws for draughts and chess pieces. As I had enough of the wood left to make two draws for the base I used cross ply and went with a mat black spray paint

Step 5: The Game

I hope you've like looking through my photos and reading what I wrote. This is the finished game.