Introduction: Chicken Parmesan

About: My name is Randy and I am a Community Manager in these here parts. In a previous life I had founded and run the Instructables Design Studio (RIP) @ Autodesk's Pier 9 Technology Center. I'm also the author of t…
Chicken parmesan is not only great-tasting, but dead simple to make. That is why chicken parmesan is one of my favorite meals to cook. In fact, it is probably my hands-down specialty. Because it is so tasty and so easy, I love making chicken parmesan. Follows are my instructions for making killer chicken parmesan. Just stick with me here and you'll go places kid. Trust me on this one.

Step 1: Ingredients

You will need:

2-3 boneless and skinless chicken breasts
Large block of mozzarella cheese
Romano pecorino (parmesan) cheese
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
Parsley flakes
Garlic powder
Marinara sauce
Italian style bread crumbs
Canola oil

A couple of plates
Oven-safe glass dish
Paper towels
Cutting boards

Step 2: Prepare the Chicken

The idea is to cut each chicken breast into thin cutlets. So, first start by chopping off any "extra bits." Large extra bits can be turned into small cutlets. Smaller ones should probably be tossed as scrap.

Also, trim away any extra fat, blood and guts or bits of meat that don't look right.

Next, slice the chicken breast in half length-wise to make two thin and long cutlets.

Finally, tenderize the meat by gently tapping it on both sides with the sharp edge of the blade.

Step 3: Egg Batter

Make the egg batter by mixing together an egg, 1/4 cup of milk, a few sprinkles of garlic powder and a generous amount of parsley flakes.

If after you mix it well, there does not appear to be any parsley flakes floating atop the surface, sprinkle some more into the mix.

Step 4: Bread Crumbs

I swear by Progresso Italian-style bread crumbs.

In other projects in which I have used these, people have suggested making your own breadcrumbs with slightly stale bread and a little bit of romano pecorino (parmesan) cheese. Feel free to give this a try.

Step 5: Batter the Chicken

Battering the chicken is actually quite easy.

All you need to do is pick up a cutlet and then dunk it into the egg mixture until all sides are covered.

Let the excess batter drip off the chicken and then dredge it through the bread crumbs until it is completely covered in crumbs. This should happen relatively quickly and not take much work.

Place the breaded cutlets in a pile on a plate.

Step 6: Oil the Pan

Fill your frying pan with enough oil that when you place the chicken in, it will be half-submerged.

Heat the oil on a medium to high flame.

Step 7: Fry

Carefully place the chicken into the frying pan with a fork.

Let it cook for 3-5 minutes and then with another fork (that never touches the raw chicken on the plate), flip all the chicken over so that the other sides could cook for the same amount of time.

Repeat flipping the chicken over until it is evenly brown on each side. You can also tell that the chicken is cooked because when you stick the fork in, the chicken will feel soft and watery as opposed to slightly rigid and crunchy (which it does when it is raw).

If you can stick a fork through without resistance and both sides are browned, it's done.

Place the chicken cutlet on a clean plate with a paper towel on it to absorb the oil. Place another paper towel over top to absorb the oil on both sides.

(tip: Later, should you be inclined, you can cook off even more of the oil later by baking it in the preheated oven for 2-3 minute before you add the sauce and cheese)

Step 8: Cut the Cheese

Slice your block of mozzarella cheese into long slices that are about 1/4" thick.

(tip: I advise against using fresh mozzarella balls as they tend to be too watery and typically not salty enough to cut the sweetness of the sauce.)

Step 9: Saucy

Pour your sauce into the pan such that the chicken will be half-submerged.

Flip the chicken over a few times until it is fully covered in sauce.

Step 10: Put It All Together

Sprinkle on romano pecorino (parmesan) cheese .

Distributed your pre-sliced mozzarella cheese over top of the chicken cutlets.

Step 11: Bake

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and then back the chicken until the pieces of cheese start to melt together and bubble.

This should take about 5-10 minutes to happens. Once it does, take it out and serve.