Introduction: Choco Cookies With Ice Tray & 3D Printed Dice

About: I make DIY & IoT things. How to make toys,robots , switches easily controllable from smartphone via Internet

Well i am not a Pro Chef but i love to make Cake & cookies in spare time. I made Chocolate & normal cookies which is very easy to make & quite good. I used 3D printed Dice to make different pattern cookies but also made with ice tray as dice which is easier to get if you don't have 3D printer. I will share this simple recipe easiest to make.


Recipe :

  1. 1 cup icing sugar
  2. 50 grams of Butter
  3. 2 cup of flour
  4. 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Powder
  5. 1 Egg
  6. 1 teaspoon of Cocoa/Choco Powder
  7. 2/3 drops of Vanilla Flavor

You need this ingredients to make the cookie. Now mix them properly check the video in details.I made 2 dough one with Choco powder & another normal which i will use to make colorful pattern latter.

Step 1: Making Cookies With Dice

There are 4 different designed cookie dice with a base in 3D Tinkercad. Just print it in a 3D printer. You need to make 2 types of dough one normal add 2/3 drops of vanilla Flavor another mix with choco powder. Now brush the dice with butter and put the dough inside & press then slowly with a fork put the cookies in a plate. Also you can mix both the dough in a spiral shape & make colorful cookies . Please check the video for complete instruction.

You can Download the 3D .stl here

Step 2: Make Cookies With Ice Tray

If you don't have 3D printer no issue just use ice tray as dice. use both dough rolls to design your own cookies.

Step 3: Baking

Now it's time to Bake the cookies. Preheat the oven at 180° C for 15 minutes then bake the cookies for 16 minutes.And its done ready to eat & enjoy.

Cookie Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Cookie Speed Challenge