Introduction: Chocofruits, the Most Delicious Healthiest Chocolate Ever.

About: I am blessed! I have a beautiful son, a beautiful life and wonderful God, I am blessed indeed. I love healthy food and sharing my recipes. I am gluten free and just finished my first book "Guilten Free&qu…

You will not find anything like this Chocofruits, period! I

cannot think of any replacement for this divine heathy temptation, nothing beats this one. It is easy, let’s do it!

Step 1: All You Need to Make Your Chocofruits

All the ingredients are easy to find, you will need:

½ cup raw cacao powder

¼ cup honey

½ cup coconut oil, melted

1 tsp vanilla extract

¼ cup peanut butter (I use natural Earth Balance with flaxseed)

3 tbsp sunflower seeds

1 cup fruits, berries, mangoes, or grapes

Step 2: Mix Ingredients Together.

Whisk the first six ingredients very well together until combined.

Step 3: Add Fruits.

Add fruits of your choice, in this case I used blue berries and some sweet green grapes. You can use mangoes, strawberries, bananas but make sure they are in small pieces.

Step 4: Use a Rimmed Square Baking Pan

I use a baking pan with parchment paper, I also clipped the sides so the paper wouldn't move while pouring the mix. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Step 5: Final Results!

Remove from the freezer and cut or break up bark into pieces, enjoy the best chocolate ever, ever!

Gluten Free Challenge

Participated in the
Gluten Free Challenge