Introduction: Homemade Delicious Almond Milk

About: I am blessed! I have a beautiful son, a beautiful life and wonderful God, I am blessed indeed. I love healthy food and sharing my recipes. I am gluten free and just finished my first book "Guilten Free&qu…

Never thought it would be so easy and delicious making Almond Milk at home!

This is a simple recipe with some simple step-by-step pictures but so valuable and I would like to share it with you.

All you need is:

1 cup of almonds

3 cups of water


Cheese cloth


A bowl or a pot to sit the strainer

Step 1: Soaking

Soak 1 cup of almonds overnight

Step 2: Rinse Almonds

Just give it a quick rinse.

Step 3: Blending Almonds

Add Almonds in a blender with 3 cups of water and blend for one minute, It will look foamy and thick, just beautiful.

Step 4: Setting the Cloth

Set the cloth on the strainer over a big bowl or a pot.

Step 5: Pouring the Mix

Pour the silk almond milk over the cloth.

Step 6: Let It Drain.

Let the mix drains completely, you can also squeeze with your hands to get all the milk out.

Step 7: No Waste.

This is what was left in the cloth after draining all the milk. I always keep what is left and use as a face exfoliate or a mask, just fantastic!

Step 8: Ready!

Now that your Almond milk is ready, you can drink it chilled as it is, on smoothies or any recipe that calls for regular milk. Almond milk is healthy and delicious, as for me and my family it is our daily milk. Enjoy it!