Introduction: Chocolate Almond Butter Crepes

Can eat for breakfast, brunch or dessert. Can add any toppings of your choice.

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Step 1: Collect All Ingredients

For Crepes

- 5 medium sized eggs

- 1/2 cup coconut milk or almond

- 4 tbsp melted coconut oil

- 3 tbsp coconut flour

- 3 tsp arrowroot powder

- 1/4 tsp sea salt

- 1 tsp of vanilla extract

- ghee or regular butter (to grease pan)

For Chocolate almond butter spread

- 4 tbsp almond butter

- 1 1/2 tsp cocoa powder

- 6 tbsp of coconut milk (add more for thinner batter)

- Pinch of sea salt

- 1 tbsp Nutella (optional)

Step 2: Whisk and Stir All Ingredients Under "For Crepes" in a Large Mixing Bowl Until There Are No Lumps

Step 3: Let Batter Sit for 5 Minutes

Step 4: While Batter Sits Get Ingredients for the Chocolate Almond Butter Spread

Step 5: Combine the Almond Butter, Cacao Powder, Coconut Milk, and Pinch of Sea Salt Until Creamy and Smooth

Step 6: Heat 1 Tsp of Ghee in a Cast Iron Skillet or Non-stick Skillet Over Medium Heat

Step 7: When Hot Lower the Heat to Medium Low, Whisk the Batter for an Additional 30 Seconds

Step 8: Pour 1/4 of a Cup of Batter Into the Pan

Step 9: Quickly and Gently Swirl the Pan So the Batter Evenly Spreads Across the Pan

Step 10: Cook Until Edge Starts to Crisp

Step 11: Carefully Flip and Cook the Flip Side for About 30 Seconds

Step 12: When Done Transfer to a Plate or Cooling Rack

Step 13: Apply Chocolate Almond Butter Spread

Step 14: Enjoy