Introduction: Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites

About: ...after 30 years of becoming corporately numb, my dreams of not working (for pay) and instead creating with my hands has become a reality. Life is grand!
If you have chocolate and/or peanut butter and/or banana cravings as much as I do, then this frozen treat is sure to be a winner.

One of these nibbles will easily satisfy a summertime sweet tooth and are soooo easy to make!

Step 1: Slice, Spread and Freeze

Start with this simple step:
  • Slice ripe bananas (maybe 3/8" thick)
  • Spread peanut butter between slices and sandwich together
  • Freeze slices until firm

Step 2: Take a Chocolate Dip and Eat (or Freeze for Later)

Combine in a microwave safe bowl: 
  • 1 cup of chocolate chips (semi-sweet, milk, white - your choice)
  • 1 teaspoon of oil (canola or vegetable)
Microwave for 30 seconds, stir, and repeat until chips are almost completed melted (about 3 intervals).

Remove banana slices from the freezer and using a long pronged fork (i.e. marshmallow roaster), dip the slices into the melted chocolate.  Remove the excess chocolate and allow to cool on the fork before setting on waxed paper.

Store these tasty bites in the freezer until the next PB-B-C craving occurs and enjoy!