

Inbox View Profile
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...after 30 years of becoming corporately numb, my dreams of not working (for pay) and instead creating with my hands has become a reality. Life is grand!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Book It! Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Book It! Contest
Stamping & Scrapbooking Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Stamping & Scrapbooking Contest
Copycat Recipes Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Copycat Recipes Contest
Play With Your Food Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Play With Your Food Contest
Frozen Treats Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Frozen Treats Contest
Valentine's Day Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Valentine's Day Contest
Halloween Decorations Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Halloween Decorations Contest

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