Introduction: Chocolate Strawberries With Mini Marshmallows.
Make a quick and easy dessert or snack.
Warning: they're delicious!!!!
Step 1: Ingredients
Mini marshmallows, cooking chocolate and strawberries.
Two bowls, 1 that can hold hot boiling water and the other that can fit into the first bowl.
Step 2: Boil the Water.
Boil the water over the stove.
Step 3: Melting.
Put the smaller pan/bowl inside the one in the stove. Turn the heat down a little bit. Add the chocolate to the pan and let it melt.
Step 4: Dipping.
Now, when the chocolate us melted out it in a very low heat. Make sure your strawberries are dry before you dip them in the chocolate. Wen you dip them make are they're covered in chocolate.
Step 5: Cooling.
Put them on a plate then decorate with marshmallows. Then put them in the fridge to cool.
Step 6: Eat.
Eat and enjoy!