Introduction: Christmas Ball With SlefCAD

Christmas ball simple modeling and creating animations.

Step 1: Image to 3D

Select Image To 3D and use Select Image

Step 2: Select Image

Download a picture or from the Internet.To achieve the best result, the picture should be black and white

Step 3: Set Value

Set the value as on the slide.

Step 4: Scale

Use Scale , set the value as on the slide

Step 5: Sphere

Use 3D Shepe and select Sphere

Set the value like on the second slide

Step 6: Set the Position

Use Move Scale Rotate and Insert the first object(snowflake) a little into the ball

Step 7: Stitch & Scoop

Select 2 objects and use Stitch & Scoop. Set the settings as in salide

Step 8: Result

It should be a little indentation

Make a lot of such holes

Step 9: Free Hand

Use Free Hand for create numbers

Step 10: Number

Use Text andwrite 2020 in the field

Step 11: Position

Use a Scale to stretch the numbers and move in order to deepen into the ball

Step 12: Stitch & Scoop

Use Stitch & Scoop set the settings as on the slide

Step 13: Create Torus

Set the settings as on a slide

Step 14: Torus Position

Place the torus over the ball as on a slide

Step 15: Print Settings

Set the value

Quality- Hight

Infil - 20%

Suport - Enabled

Adhesion - Brim

Step 16: Result

After printing, we need to clear the model of support

Step 17: ​Decoration Ready

Choose a color and paint the ball