Introduction: Clothes Peg Switch
The Clothes Peg Switch is another type of an assistive switch. It is meant for children with disabilities so they can be empowered to to use everyday items.
For this Instructable, you will need the following items:
- One (1) Male 3.5mm jack
- Long wire
- One (1) leaf switch
- One (1) clothes peg
Step 1: Take the Long Wire, Separate the Black and Red Wire at One End for About 2 Cm
Step 2: Strip the Black Wire by About 1cm by Using the 3rd Notch on the Wire Stripper. Clamp the Wire at the Third Notch (1.0mm)
If you are using a strip gun, clamp the wire and pull the trigger quickly
Step 3: And Then Pull to Separate the Wire From the Insulation.
Step 4: Do the Same for the Red Wire, Leaving Slightly More Insulation on the Black Wire
Strip the red wire a bit more
Step 5: Unscrew Earphone Jack
To unscrew, grip the pin with one hand and the shell in another, then turn in opposite directions
Step 6: Thread the Stripped End of the Wire Thru the Shell
Step 7: Pass BLACK Wire Through Shorter Leg
Step 8: Wrap the Wire Around the Hole
Step 9: Pass RED Wire Through Taller Leg
Step 10: Wrap the Wire Around the Hole
Step 11: Use the Tools to Make Sure There Are No Stray Strands of Wire, and Pull Lightly to Test If Secure
Step 12: Solder BLACK Wire
Step 13: Solder RED Wire
Step 14: Visually Check That There Are No Stray Wires, Then Screw the Shell Back On
Step 15: Take the Other End of the Long Wire, Strip the RED Wire About 1.5 Cm
Cut the BLACK wire about where the RED insulation ends. Then strip the BLACK wire about 1.5cm
Step 16: Now Take the Leaf Switch. Using the Wire That You Just Stripped; Pass RED Wire Through Hole in the Bottom Leg
Step 17: Wrap the Wire Around the Hole
Step 18: Pass BLACK Wire Through Hole in the Lower Leg
Step 19: Wrap the Wire Around the Hole
Step 20: Solder the Two Joints
Step 21: Now for the Clothespeg! Carefully Remove One of the Metal Rings From the Clothes Peg
Step 22: Position the Switch Such That the Lever Is Aligned With the Top Edge of the Peg.
Use a glue gun to glue the switch in position (it’s OK to glue over the wires).
Test your Clothes Peg Switch with a toy!