Introduction: Coding a Mansion in Minecraft Education Edition

About: I am an 11-year-old who likes making stuff!

So, when I was working on coding mods in Minecraft Education Edition, I came up with coding a house. So, I did so. But since I can only go on the computer in the afternoon to work on it, I am here, secretly typing this out! Well, I will definitely make a sequel, but here is my progress.


All you need is Minecraft Education Edition and this Instructable!

Step 1: Making a World

Start by opening Minecraft Education Edition. Click the "Create New" button and click "NEW." Name the world, set the game mode to Creative and the World Type to Flat. Scroll down to confirm if "Activate Cheats" and "Code Builder" are turned on. If not, turn on those settings. That's it, but I usually turn on "Perfect Weather" in "Show Classroom Settings."

When loading the world, I spawned at (0, 5, 0). I decided to start the mansion there. If you spawned at a different location than (0, 5, 0), I suggest you go to that position. Also, make sure you have given yourself a command block. Place a command block, and type: "/fill 0 4 0 -30 20 40 air." I also set up an "Always Active" Repeat Command Block with the command: "/kill @e [type=bat]." This command block is not required, but it is helpful.

After setting up the command blocks, press "c." Pressing "c" summons the Agent and opens a window where you can select what programming language you want. Make sure to choose Microsoft MakeCode.

After the Agent loading screen disappears, press the "New Project" button and title the project. Make sure this project has a unique name and does not get lost with other projects.

Step 2: Coding

Either follow the images or upload the code, uploading is MUCH easier.

making houses in minecraft

Step 3: And Voila!

And that's the house! Make sure to vote, like, and favorite!

Block Code Contest

Participated in the
Block Code Contest