Introduction: Flat-Pack Dice Tower
These are the assembly instructions for the Collapsible Dice Tower files that are available here:
A 3D model can be viewed here:
This tower is designed to be sturdy and yet easily assembled and disassembled so that it can fit in your favorite board game's box.
Step 1: Download and Cut the Files
The files are available here:
- Dimensions: 160mm x 145mm x 101mm (6.3in x 5.7in x 4.0in)
- .DXF, .PDF, and .ai files included
- Files are included for 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 mm material
Since this design has interlocking pieces, the thickness of the material you use matters. It is intended to be used with 3mm or 1/8 inch material. As long as the actual thickness, (as measured with calipers), is 2.9-3.5mm, it will work. This listing includes files in 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5mm thicknesses. The files are provided in .ai, .svg, .dxg, and .pdf formats.
1. Measure the thickness of your material with calipers
2. Download the .zip file from the Etsy link above and open it with an unzipping program such as WinRar. Free download:
3. Select the file that matches the thickness of your material. Example: if your material is 3.27mm, use the 3.3mm file. If you use the DXF file, be sure to import it with mm as the units.
4. Before cutting your file, if you are using wood, make sure that the long thin tabs that are on some of the pieces are running parallel to the grain. This will make them much less likely to snap off than if they were perpendicular to the grain.
5. Cut just two interlocking pieces of the file and check to see if they fit properly. The pieces should slide together easily, but not so easily that the tower is wobbly. If they are too loose, select the file that is .1mm less. If the pieces fit too tightly to easily disassemble, select the file that is .1mm larger. You might also want to adjust your kerf settings to get the pieces to fit together perfectly.
6. Once you have the fit just right, cut out the rest of the pieces and assemble.
Step 2: Assemble the First Pieces
Assemble your tower according to the photographs.
Step 3: Assemble the Rest of the Pieces
- Slide B and C halfway onto A as shown in the first photo.
- While A is still only halfway on, slide B and C all the way onto the previously assembled tower pieces as in the second photo.
- Slide A the rest of the way into place as shown in the third photo.
- Use the last piece to lock the tower together as in the fourth photo.