Introduction: Coloring a Wave and Adding a Surfer

you'll need:

  • adobe photoshop
  • internet access

Step 1: Step 1: Find a Black/white Image of an Ocean Wave

I looked up "wave black/white" on, found and image, and saved it as apng file. Make sure you save it as a png, jpeg, or gif format so that it will be compatible for adobe Ps.

Step 2: Add Your Image Onto Adobe Ps

add your image onto Adobe Ps and turn it into a layer so that if you fail or mess up on something, you will have a backup to instantly go back to.

Step 3: Play With Contrast/brightness

try changing contrast and brightness to make your image look more clean or realistic. Be sure not to change to much because since you will be working on a black/white image, the results can greatly change.

after you're finished and happy with the results then you can delete the old copy of your image

Step 4: Add the Color

click the "create new fill or adjustment layer" button at the bottom of the "layers" and click "Hue/Saturation..."

then make the new layer, name it purple

Step 5: Find an Image of a Surfer

i also found this on google

Step 6: Place the Image Into the Image of the Wave

after this, you might want to play with the color hues of he new surfer because he will likely look weird on the new image