Introduction: Control PC Wirelessly With Eye Blinking ;)

What about going beyond your habits?? What about trying something new??!!!!

What about controling your PC and doing anything that you want WITHOUT using your keyboard and mouse!

Hmm... But how is this possible???

With just a blink of your Eye!! Don't believe it???

Ok, so just keep reading and you will found out how can this happen!!;)

Step 1: Materials: What You Will Need

Step 2: Bluetooth AT Mode & Commands

For this process I am using an Arduino Uno board

1. Connect GND and Vcc of Bluetooth module to GND and 5V of Arduino board respectively.

2. Push the button on HC-05 Bluetooth and while you keep it pressed, plug the Arduino to your PC. You will see the led on Bluetooth module blinking with interval of 2 seconds which means that you have entered AT mode.

3.Open Arduino IDE and Upload an empty sketch to the Arduino Board.

4. Connect Rx and Tx of Bluetooth module to Rx(pin0) and Tx(pin1) of Arduino board respectively.

Important: When uploading a sketch, remove Rx and Tx connections and plug them back again to their positions after uploading is Done!

HC-05 -> Arduino

Vcc -> 5V


Rx -> Rx (pin 0)

Tx -> Tx (pin1)

All the connections are shown in the image.

5. HC 05 Bluetooth module needs a Carriage Return & Line Feed after each command.

So open, Serial Monitor and select “Both NL & CR” and 38400 baud.

Type in: AT and then click Send.

Now you should get an OK as a response meaning that you have successfully entered in AT Commands!

Step 3: AT Commands for SLAVE Module

1. Type in AT+NAME? to see the name of the module.

You can change it as you like, by typing for example: AT+NAME=SLAVE

2. In order to see the password type in AT+PSWD? (default is: 1234)

3. Type in AT+ROLE=0 to make it slave

4. Type in AT+ADDR=? to get its address. You must know the address of this module in order to PAIR it with another.

Note that the address will look similar to that: :21:13:19E8

5. Unplug it from the PC to exit from AT mode.

Note: The address can also be found at Bluetooth devices, add device, right click on SLAVE (the name of Bluetooth),Properties, Bluetooth -> Unique Identifier.

Step 4: AT Commands for Master Module

1. Type in AT+NAME? to see the name of the module.

You can change it as you like, by typing for example: AT+NAME=MASTER

2. In order to see the password type in AT+PSWD? (default is: 1234)

3. Type in AT+ROLE=1 to make it master

4. Type in AT+CMODE=0 to make the module to connect to a specified Bluetooth address.

5. Type in AT+BIND= 0021,13,0109E8 (put here the address of your slave module) to pair it with the slave module.

Note: In AT Commands the colons should be replaced with commas and also that the full address of this

”:21:13:19E8 ” is “ 00:21:13:01:09:e8” because “0” are omitted at the beginnings.

Step 5: Arduino Micro Connections

Make the connections as shown in the image:

HC-05 -> Arduino

Vcc -> 5V


Tx -> pin 11

Potentiometer -> Arduino

V -> 5V


Input pin -> pin A2

Upload the following sketch:

Important: When uploading a sketch, remove Rx and Tx connections and plug them back again to their positions after uploading is Done!

Step 6: Arduino Nano Connections

Make the connections as shown in the image:

HC-05 -> Arduino

Vcc -> 5V


Tx -> pin 10

Rx -> pin 11

QRE1113 -> Arduino

VCC -> 5V


OUT -> pin A0

Battery -> Arduino

9V -> Toggle switch


Toggle Switch -> Arduino

V -> Vin

Upload the following sketch:

Step 7: Adjustments

Congratulations! You have completed the most demanding part! ;) :)

Now time for adjustmentsssss!

1.Connect Arduino Micro to your Pc. You will see the led on Bluetooth module blinking repeatedly.

2.Turn οn the switch on the Arduino Nano to power it up. After some seconds you will see both bluetooth modules flashing in the same way (one blink after 2 sec). This means that your Arduino boards are paired and can communicate to each other.

3.Open Arduino IDE. Select your board (Arduino Micro) and the appropriate COM port and open the Serial Plotter. You will see a plot with the measurements of the sensor and the value of potentiometer. With the blue color are the values from potentiometer (threshold) and with red the values from the sensor.

4. Remove the lens from the glasses so as to have only the frame.

5. Attach the Spark Fun line sensor to the frame in a position similar to the photos.

6.Put on the glasses and adjust the sensor to be next to your eye. By making some blinks with your eye you will notice some peaks in the graph of Serial Plotter. Adjust the value of potentiometer to be above the peaks and below the other values as shown in the image. Now you have successfully set your threshold!

Note: From the threshold adjustment you can also choose which kind of blinks ( intentional or unintentional ) you will accept. In this way you can fully control when the 'ENTER' command will be sent.

And...... Finally :D

The only thing you have to do now is just BLINK (close and open your eye) ;)

An "Enter" will be sent to your PC!!

Yes, but is there any way to write and do anything that I want without touching my PC???

Yeeaaahhh... Continue to the last part to see for yourself!! ;)

Step 8: 3D Printing Time!!! :D

This step is an optional step to give a more compact and portable feeling to this project!! ;)

You can experiment with yourself and create your own enclosures with any design that you like! Below you can find my designs, too!

For this project I used FDM process with PLA as material. PLA is a great option for low-cost and fast prototyping and comes in a large range of colors.

After 3D printing is completed you can use sand papers to make them smooth and nice and also you can paint them any color that you want!

That's all !!!! :D:D

Enjoy your new device and use LESS keyboard and mouse and MORE Eye Blinking ! ;)

Step 9: Control Your PC ;)

Now it's time to see it working!!!!

Please feel free to share with me any comments or suggestions that you have!!!

And don't forget......!!


If you liked that project please vote it for the competitions! Thank you!

PS. For the video I used the On-Screen keyboard from windows that supports automatic scanning and scanbuddy software from ahf.

Remote Control Contest 2017

First Prize in the
Remote Control Contest 2017

Epilog Challenge 9

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Epilog Challenge 9

Arduino Contest 2017

Participated in the
Arduino Contest 2017