Introduction: Cozy Fleece Skater Disco "Satin" Jacket
Remember the Super-cool satin jackets from the Seventies?
All the cool people wore them.
Now you can make your own updated version and be cool again.
Cozy fleece, color of your choice, about 2 yards.
Contrasting color stretch fabric, about 1/2 yard.
16-18" jacket zipper
Serger and regular sewing machine, thread, scissors
A hoodie, vest, or both for pattern-making.
Step 1: Pattern Pieces
1. Front pieces. Turn hoodie inside out. (add photo)
2. Fold fleece over to create front edge. Using one side of front of zippered hoodie, chalk along outside, adding 1/2" seam allowance. Cut out. Place over another section of folded fleece and cut another.
3. Flip hoodie to back, and create back piece. Fold over for symmetry, make corrections and cut another.
4. Pull sleeve out of hoodie to create sleeve pattern. Fold fleece over at outer part of sleeve.
5. Pull sleeve back inside to create armscye.
6. Finished sleeves.
7. Cut out pockets. Four pieces in total.
8. Serge front and back seams together at shoulder, then pin top of sleeve to that edge, easing to fit.
9. Serge sleeve cap to armscye
Step 2: Side Pockets
1. Serge, right sides together
2. Place on one side of jacket front to define where not to sew side seam.
3. sew side seams, avoiding pocket hole.
4. Fit pocket through hole
5. Pin in place
6. Serge through all layers according to pic
7. Turn jacket ride-side out
8. Edge-stitch through lining to keep pocket facing inwards.
Step 3: Wrist Cuffs and Waistband
1. cut out 2 rectangles for wrist cuffs, 9.5" x 6.5"
2. Fold over, right sides together, sew seam
3. Fold in half, right sides showing, edges even.
4. With sleeves inside out, pin cuff inside and sew seam.
5. Finished cuff
6. Waistband cut from contrast and jacket fabric, 6.6" high, length should be waistband of jacket bottom minus a few inches to give an elasticized effect.
7. Finished waistband
Step 4: Zipper
1. Zipper install
2. Pin one side of zipper to front as shown.
3. Sew close to teeth.
4. Flip over and topstitch
5. Finished zipper
Step 5: Collar
1. Fold over contrasting fabric and cut curve relative to jacket neck, as shown.
2. Pin, easing fit
3. Collar stitched.
4. Turn under and topstitch through all layers.
5. Attach pocket to zipper with fleece scrap
6. Finished jacket!
Pretty easy if you can sew... hurry up before this goes out of style... again.
; )
~ Cynthia
Step 6: Grab Your Platform Shoes or Rollerskates ...
and hit the town!
: D