Introduction: Crayon Lipstick ;D
Here's how to make completely safe & non toxic lipsticks by using crayons. Yes! Crayons!(;
Step 1: The Things You Will Need:
1. Crayons of your choice
2. 1/2 tsp of any type of oil (olive, almond, jojoba, etc.)
3. Vaseline or Shea butter
4. Stick to stir with
5. Small container
6. Heat source (like a candle or a stove top)
7. Metal spoon to heat ingredients in
Step 2: Pick Your Colors!
In this case I'll be mixing these three colors for a peachy orange color (;
Break your crayons & put them in your spoon
(**For One Whole lipstick tube you only need HALF of a crayon**)
Step 3: Add in Wet Ingredients
Now you'll add 1/2 tsp Oil & just a dab of Vaseline to your Spoon
Step 4: Heat It Up
Put your spoon above the heat, this will take around 2 minuets to completely melt, it may take longer if your crayon pieces are bigger
Stir continuously while it melts for a better mixture (:
Step 5: Almost Done (;
Now put it in any container like, an old Chapstick or lipstick tube.
I just used an old contact case for mine :p
Step 6: Let It Stand
Leave your freshly made lipstick out on a flat surface to solid for about half an hour just to be super sure it's solid & you're Done!
There are various color combos you can try here are two of my favorites <3
Have Fun!