Introduction: Knex Spinner Car
This Knex car is called the Spinner because is spins in circles.
This car only works on a slick floor.
Step 1: The Parts List
Grey - 3
Yellow - 2
White - 2
Green - 1
Blue - 2
Yellow - 2
Red - 1
Gears (Medium or Large) - 2
Wheels (One With A Tire And One Without) - 2
Grey Motor - 1
Tan Clips - 4
Step 2: The Back
Pic 1: Make the back axle.
Pic 2: Add the wheels.
Pic 3: Snap on a grey connector here.
Step 3: Front
Pic 1: Add the front part.
Pic 2: Snap on the front axles.
Pic 3: Slide the wheel with a tire onto the blue bar and lock it in place with a tan clip.
Pic 4: Slide the wheel without a tire onto the bar.
Step 4: Your Done!
Your finished with your car.
Set it on a slippery surface and watch it spin.