Introduction: Create Simple Message Encrypter/Decrypter Using Notepad

About: Hello guys, Here we are for sharing our knowledge. We are trying to share it to every person.
Hello with this Simple HTML Application you can Encrypt and Decrypt your message by password. First of all I will show you how to create it and then I will show you how to use it.

Let's Start.

Step 1: Open Your Notepad.

First if all open your notepad. [Start >> Run >> Type “Notepad” >> Enter]

Copy the code which is given on the following link. Which is starting from  <html> and Ending with </html>

Then Save it with .hta extension. [eg MSG-EncDec.hta]

Step 2: Open It.

Now Double click on it to Open.

Step 3: Write Message

Type your message and password in textboxes.

Step 4: Encryption

Now click on Encrytion button then you will get encrypted message in text box as sjown in the given Image.

Step 5: Decryption

When you want original message then you have to write your encrypted message and password in that text box then click on Decrypt Button you will get original message.

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