Introduction: Create a Galaxy Print With Inkodye

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Do you only use Inkodye one color at a time? Do you apply Inkodye with just a brush? It's time to try some new techniques! This guide will show you how to combine all three Inkodye colors, water, and spray bottles to create a vibrant galaxy print. The final result is easy and striking

Step 1: Used in This Project:

4 oz Inkodye Red
4 oz Inkodye Blue
4 oz Inkodye Orange
Negative of Photo
Spray Bottles
Dress or Shirt
Blue Painters Tape

Step 2: Bottles.

For this project you will need three spray bottles, one for each color. You can find empty spray bottles at a drugstore or home improvement store, or recycle empty bottles from home. If you recycle bottles, be sure to clean out the bottle well. Spray warm water through the spray handle to clean out the nozzle and hose.

Step 3: Dilute

Add one color of Inkodye to each bottle. Then, thin your Inkodye by mixing equal parts dye and water. Don't worry, Inkodye is very concentrated. The colors will still be bright and bold after the water is added.

Step 4: Select Image

Go online and find yourself a great space image! The NASA photo library has a huge selection of beautiful images, and most are high resolution and copyright free.

Step 5: Prepare Negative

Invert and adjust your image, then print it out. For this project we wanted a large print, so we ordered a large format negative. If you would like to learn how to make your own large format negatives, our guide to making giant negatives has you covered.

Step 6: Gather

When you're ready to print, round up your Inkodye, negative, spray bottles, painter's tape, and an item of clothing to print on.

Step 7: Tape

Use painter's tape to mask off the print area.

Step 8: Nebula

Decide where you would like the Orange nebula to be. Spray this area first using the Orange Inkodye. Be sure to spray a fine mist so the edges fade out smoothly. Next, spray Red over most of the nebula area. Leave some parts pure Orange.

Step 9: Space

While avoiding the nebula, throughly spray the rest of the print area with Blue. Make sure to coat all the way to the edges. Finally, add a some thick drops of Red and Orange on top of the Blue space area.

Step 10: Expose

Dab away the excess Inkodye, lay your negative on top of the print area, and expose your print. If you have any questions about how to achieve a bright vibrant Inkodye print, our guide to printing on cotton with Inkodye has all the answers.

Step 11: Reveal

Once the image has developed, bring it inside and peel away the negative for a sneak peek. It's looking good!

Step 12: Wash

Be sure to wash your print with Inkowash to rinse away any undeveloped dye.

Step 13: Wear

Congratulations on your awesome space gear! Dare we say it looks out of this world?