Introduction: Creating Rock Painting!

About: I am a very sporty, friendly person that absolutely is insane with sports and organization.!!!! I also have a channel named its ishi where I post some wonderful dance videos so pls check them out and subscribe…

Hello lovely people I'm ishpreet (Ishi). I have created a superior work of art and have used my skills, creativity, and thoughts to do some rock painting. There are different kinds of things on each rock that make it enriching and also make it stand out. Another thing I have a yt channel named it's ishi so pls check some amazing dances out and subscribe as well plsssss!!!



colorful paint


Step 1: Step 1:select Designs

The first step is to select the designs that you want to do and you could copy mine if you want. My theme was aboriginal and nature as that's the only reason why Australia is here!

Step 2: Step 2:start Painting

In this step, you would have to select your colours of paint and use your creativity, work of art and patience on the rock painting. Enjoy and make sure to have fun!

Rocks, Gems, and Stones Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Rocks, Gems, and Stones Speed Challenge