Introduction: Cricket Storage and Feeding Container

About: I'm fifteen years old with the love of music and superheros and practically everything else. I'm a sophomore in high school, and also love to make things and learn about psychology
Hey everybody! I just got a baby bearded dragon, and I needed a cheap and easy way to store his live food and feed them to him. Thus, I made the feeding/storage container of brilliance

Step 1: Stuff to Have Before Hand

This project doesn't require any special skills, all you need to be able to do is use a drill. As for materials, you will need:
- A plastic cereal container (I got mine at target)
- A drill and a medium sized drill bit (I already had these)

Step 2: Drill Some Breathing Holes

Since most lizards like their crickets live, they need to breath in their container. Which is where the power drill comes in handy. What you wanna do is drill nine holes spread out from eachother on either side on the container near the top of it, and 4 or 5 on the top of the container. (Not the lid!!!!!)

Step 3: Almost There...

Next just add sheds of egg carton inside before the crickets go in, if they don't have a climbing surface they'll trample eachother and die before your pet gets to eat them!

Step 4: Dispensing

To dispense your crickets just open the top, (They can't jump too high if they're small) and use a piece of paper or something to block the direction they would jump if they had the chance, so they are guaranteed to fall into the cage. Thanks!