Introduction: Cure Your Cold Quickly With the K'nex Medicine Cabinet!!!

About: Hello! I'm Nerfrocketeer, also known as Nefrock', Nerf, or NK. I am an avid fan of Nerf wars, engineering, and animal activism (but no I don't go overboard). Thank you for A MILLION views (woah!) and making me…
What?! You've got a cold? That's too bad! I know it must be hard having to walk the oh-so-long distance your bed to the bathroom to get your cough medicine-with a jarring headache! Well don't worry, using the K'nex you keep under the bed, you can create a portable mini-medicine cabinet that will help you rest, and more importantly get better soon! Now take that last cough drop and let's get started!

Step 1: Pieces

To build the K'nex medicine cabinet, you will need:

-28 White connectors
-14 Blue connectors
-66 Grey 3D-slot connectors
-8 Red connectors
-6 Yellow connectors
-4 Black caps
-4 Grey rods
-146 Green rods
-68 White rods
-8 Blue separators
-68 Grey separators
-A small-sized box of tissues

Step 2: Tissue Box-Bottom: Pieces

Take ten white connectors, and connect them using green rods. Next, take two grey connectors and slide them together as shown. Repeat to get five pieces, and connect them using green rods. Then, make a second row of five grey connectors. Lastly, make two pairs of two grey connectors as shown.

Step 3: Tissue Box-Bottom: Connecting Pieces

Take all of the pieces that you made in the previous step, and connect them as shown using green rods. Next, take four red connectors, and attach them to the corners of the base, once again using green rods. Finally, fill in all spaces using white rods.

Step 4: Tissue Box-Top

To make the top of the tissue box, simply remake the outer frame of the bottom half of the box. Next, take three yellow connectors and connect them using green rods. Repeat to get two separate rows, and add them to the frame. Next, take two blue connectors, and connect them exactly as shown using a green rod. Repeat to get two separate pieces, and add them to the frame exactly as shown.

Step 5: Completing and Filling the Tissue Box

To fill the tissue box, remove all tissues from the side of the box. Then, place the tissues on the bottom half of the new K'nex tissue box. Next, add the top half of the box and connect using green rods. Pull the top tissue through the opening. Fill in all spaces using white rods.

Step 6: Base-Pieces

Take eight white connectors, and connect them using green rods. Fill in all spaces using white rods. Repeat to get two pieces. Then, slide a grey connector and a blue connector together as shown. Repeat to get two pieces. Next, connect the two blue-grey pieces to two white connectors as shown. Finally, slide more blue and grey connectors together to get four pieces, and connect them using green rods. Repeat to get two rows.

Step 7: Base-Pieces: Connecting

Connect all of the pieces that you made in the previous step using green rods as shown. Make sure that all of the blue-grey pieces are facing the same directions as in the pictures!

Step 8: Box Legs

Connect four grey rods to the base where shown. Then, slide a blue separator onto each rod. Next, slide 14 grey separators onto each rod. After that, insert the grey rods through the openings in the bottom corners of the tissue box. Insert three grey separators amd a blue separator between the top and bottom of the box on each rod. Finally, add a black cap to the top of each rod.

Step 9: Done!!!

Now that you have completed your K'nex medicine cabinet, you will be free to recover in style! No more long walks to the bathroom to get something to soothe your soar throat or headache! Thank you for taking a look and please get well soon!
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