Introduction: Cushion
This Instructable page will show a demonstration of how to make a simple pillow. The cushion has been designed to comfort an area of our classroom.
In year 8 term one 2019, my group (Tele tubs) was given the task to design something for the school using recycled materials. At first, we searched the instructable website before coming up with the idea to a comfortable pillow for a seated area in one of our classrooms.
Step 1: Idea
Coming up with the idea is the first step in making anything you need to plan your idea out and envision what you want it to look like. You must visualize the pillow and make sure you know what it is going to look like and make sure you know what colours and shapes you want.
Step 2: Measurements
Measuring the area that you want to make the pillows is the second step in plan the measurements we had were 50 cm long and 55 cm wide using 1 piece of fabric but the measurements can be suited to any needs and should be suited to your project.
Step 3: Fabrics
The next stage in making the pillow is obtaining the fabric. To make a pillow you have to use certain fabrics, the fabric must be quite strong and not have too much stretch otherwise the pillow will rip. The fabric that we used was 100% cotton plain weave (homespun).
Step 4: Sewing
Once you have chosen your fabrics that you are happy with you can then start the process of sewing the material. First you need to fold the two fabrics over so that they are facing each other. Sew the bottom side of the fabric and both sides of the fabric making sure that you leave an opening at the top of the fabric.
Step 5: Stuffing
Once you have sewed the pillow you can then begin stuffing the pillowcase. You must make sure that the stuffing will be comfortable within the pillow and will not move around within the pillowcase to make sure that the measurements are correct.
Make sure to leave an opening to stuff it,when stuffed sew the end together.
Step 6: In Conclusion
In conclusion, once you have done these steps you should’ve finished your pillow, you can adjust your pillow to your needs that is making patterns on the pillow or using different fabrics. This project for our group was a fun experience and benefited our school with a new seating area in class.