Introduction: Cute Pancake Bear (not Big Skills Needed)

About: I am a Makeup Artist, crafter, party lover and mother.

I love the to see the face of my son when I make something special for him. He likes to close his eyes, then I put his surprise in the table and he says "woooow!" This makes it all worthy so I'm always looking for new surprises even when they are very simple or little. I've made this bear frequently as it's one of his favorites.

Step 1: What You'll Need

One big round pancake

3 small round pancakes (same size)



Step 2: Bear Shape

You're going to assemble the bear in a plate. Place two of the small pancakes in the plate one aside of the other (picture #1)
Put the big pancake on top of the two little ones covering a little more than half of them (picture #2).
Put the last piece of pancake on the big one to simulate the snout (picture #3).

Step 3: Nutella

Put some Nutella in a microwave proof bowl and warm it in the microwave for 10 seconds. This will make it easier to draw with it.

Step 4: Draw Details

Use the toothpick to draw the details of the bear's head: eyes, nose, mouth and ears.
Now your pancake is ready to surprise one little (or big) hungry person.
Keep making food fun!