Introduction: Cyberpunk Mask

With the production and construction of human beings, the air quality is getting worst. Traditional masks are too stuffy and the breathing experience is too bad, so I was wondering if I could make a futuristic and comfortable mask in this legendary punk cyber in 2020

Step 1: What We Need


1 x Seeduino xiao

1 x WS2813B Digital RGB LED Flexi-Strip 60 LED - 1 Meter

1 x Servo

1 x Grove - Air quality sensor v1.3

1 x Grove - Relay

1 x Small Fan

1 x Battery

Some Dupont Line


1 x 3M Mask

Some Glue

Some Heat Shrink Tube


Hot Glue Gun.

Electrical soldering iron

Laser cutter

I have to mention the xiao development board seen here. It is awesome. Its size has been reduced to the extreme, saving me a lot of space to install these electronic components in the mask.

Step 2: Draw and Design CAD

Here you can design drawings based on the actual size of your Mask, or you can use the CAD file I have created.

As I am not comfortable drawing 3D Model, the best option I have is laser cutting. If 3D drawing is your forte, you can choose to use it.

Step 3: Laser Cutting

If you have maker space in your area, you can easily find a laser cutter. It is safe to say that every maker space has a laser cutter

Step 4: Welding Xiao

Solder VIN and GND on the back of XIAO to a power port to facilitate battery connection as shown below.

Step 5: Welding Strip

like the photo

Step 6: Software Work

Step 7: Hardware Connecting

Connect the hardware as shown below:

Step 8: Build Up

I have modified this project many times while trying different ways and solutions. There are still room for improvement for this current version, and a more refined version will be produced in the future. I hope everyone will like it.

Step 9: Finish


When the air quality is suitable for breathing: Breathing vent will be open, and the status light will turn green.

When the air quality is slightly polluted but still suitable for breathing: Breathing vents will remain open, and the status will show yellow.

When the air quality is moderately polluted, it is not suitable to breathe directly: Status light is turned red, while the servo is turned to close the vent. Now, the air can only pass through the filter, and the fan is turned on to accelerate air flow.

When the air quality is heavily polluted, it is not suitable to breathe directly: Status light is turned red, and the servo is turned to close the vent. Air can only pass through the filter while fan is turned on to accelerate air flow.