Introduction: DIY Arcade Machine With Single-ply Cardboard !

About: I love to create some things, I could to spend all my days to do it ! I'm not here to win, but first of all to create things, to share my passions and to dicover you creations.

This Papertoy is very easy and funny to make, but you should think that it could be dangerous if you don't pay attention with electrical connections; so I should recom-
mand you to don't do it alone if you are a child ! :) (If you want to do yours, I encourrage you to go to Valentin's website:


To Do it yourself, you will need:
-some single-ply cardboard

-a USB cable (and you will need to saccrify it)

-a little electrical switch (but it's not necessary)

-a LED, with the color of your choice (but it should be adapted to your electrical installation)

-tools to make electrical connections (a soldering iron, some sleeve...)

Step 1: Step 1: Making the Template

First of all, I used a template I've found on the Internet, and I determined the place of two elements I've decided to add (it's both of the red points).
Next, I used glue to put the template on my cardboard, and I've cut it to have ONLY a "cardboarded template".

Step 2: Step 2: Some Electricity !

To pimp my "Arcade Machine", I decided to ad a LED, because I love lights ! So I made a scheme of the electrical circuit (it's a very "easy-to-understand" one)

On this scheme, the yellow point represents the LED, the flash is the USB cable and the blue point is the electrical switch. More, the red line represents the + of the circuit, and the black lines are for the negatives electrical lines.

It's important to add that you can remove the switch; in this case, your "Arcade Machine" will be switched on whenever it's plugged on (and not with your action). To this step, you will also think to where you should place your elements to know the way of the cable (you should to pay attention to the ergonomy, that's why I've added two red points on the template: you can pierce at those places, and it will be easier for the cable).

I decided, too, to cut the place of the screen and to replace it with a piece of tracing paper (it's better for the lighting !)

Step 3: Step 3: Assembly

This step only consists in assembly the "Arcade Machine". It's very intuitive ! You just have to add glue on the "grey lined" places on the template.

Don't forget to place glue to maintain the electrical switch !
I added too a little piece of a more resistant cardboard behind the switch to have a better solidity.

Step 4: Step 4: Pimp My Machine !

Just a few words: you can choose to apply this step before to assembly your toy. It could be easier :)

It's a very easy step ! Personnally, I used yellow pencils to "paint" my object, and next I added drawings of scientific
objects; and I decided to name it "Arc'ADN", because my first passion (before Lights !^^) is science.

Just let your creativity escape from yourself.

Now, when you plug your USB cable in your computer, your own "Arcad Machine" can be switched on !

You can get more details on: