Introduction: DIY Eyeglasses Carrying Pocket

Hello guys! We all use eyeglasses for various purposes (reading, UV protection) but tend to carry them on the forehead or clothing necklines while not wearing them. This simple instructable will help you make a frugal carrying pocket which can prevent the eyeglasses from damage.

This project is a part of my academic coursework at NID. I would like to thank our course facilitator, Mr. Sahil Thappa for his continuous feedback on this project and for motivating me to publish my first ever Instructable.

I would also like to thank my family members for all their support and my batchmates for helping out.


  • Denim/ old jeans
  • Microfiber cloth (You should find this in any eyeglasses box or at any optician)
  • Scissors
  • Needles
  • Thread
  • Clip
  • Neckband
  • Touch button
  • Decorative laces, buttons etc
  • Ruler and Chalk (if you cannot print the pattern and need to draw directly on fabric)

Step 1: Prepare the Pattern

If you are using the provided pattern, please download and print out the pattern that I uploaded above.

IMPORTANT : Please set your printer 100% actual size option. Then, cut out the pattern with some margin.

You may also use a ruler and draw with chalk directly on the fabric if you don't have access to a printer. But kindly make sure you make the chalk markings on the inner side of fabric, so they won't be visible later.

Step 2: Cut the Denim According to Pattern

Cut the fabric along the solid lines.

For first-timers and kids, please do it carefully under adult supervision.

Step 3: Fold the Corners Inwards and Sew

Fold corners along the inclined dotted lines (approximately 45 degrees) and sew it a little at the corners to fix the position.

Step 4: Stitch the Microfiber Cloth on Inner Side of Denim

It is very important to stitch the microfiber cloth on the inner side as the fabric may cause abrasion on the eyeglasses, and it may develop scratches. Eyeglasses usually come with a small microfiber cloth and that should be enough. If you do not have one, you will find it at any optician around you.

Step 5: Fold the Right Flap Inwards and Sew Along the Edge

Fold the right flap on the middle area and sew along the edge of it.

Tip: Try to sew the edge with just the microfibre cloth and not the entire denim side. This way, the stitch will not be visible on the back side.

Step 6: Turn the Other Flap Over It and Stitch With Folded Edge

Turn the other flap over and fold the cut edge carefully (keep it in a straight line) and sew the entire edge with hemstitch.

You may use another contrasting colour for a different look.

Also, sew at the intersection of both the flaps.

Step 7: Cut the Bottom Edges Round and Hemstitch

Step 8: Decorate As You Like It

Here are a few suggestions on different decorative patterns, you may decorate as you like it!

Add a personal touch to it. You may use buttons, laces, sequins... it is open to your taste and imagination!

Step 9: Add the Safety Touch Button on the Inner Side

Although it is not mandatory, the safety touch button will prevent the eyeglasses from falling down in accidental situations. Please sew it inside in a position such that the eyeglasses do not slip out when it is locked. Even in the inverted position.

Step 10: Attach the Clip and Band on the Back Side

You may use the old clip and band that comes with identity cards or use any other clip that attaches firmly to clothing. Adding a neckband is optional but it really provides additional safety especially if you are travelling in public transport or other crowded areas.

Step 11: Done!

I hope you like your DIY Eyeglasses carrying pocket. You can also use it to carry other things (Keys, money etc) apart from eyeglasses.

Thanks for watching my work and have a great day!