Introduction: DIY Greeting Card Using Quilling
Hand-made gifts and greeting cards add more thought, value, and meaning to the festive spirit and bring joy and happiness to our loved ones! The best part? It’s all about DIYing and having loads of fun! So, as 2018 nears its end, we decided to take a break from our regular project-making pattern and go the creative mile by making a DIY new year greeting card using quilling! Why card-making? Well, because STEM is all about curiosity and creativity, innit? And it’s easy, entertaining, and the end result is always magnificent!
So, ready to spread extra joy this new year? Then let’s start quillin’ in 3, 2, 1… now!
Step 1: Things You'll Need
- Quilling Paper
- Quilling Tool
- Chart Papers or Color Papers
- Glue
- Color Pens
Step 2: Overview of Making
We will be making a customizable card. You can greet your loved ones on not just on New Year but on any occasion.
We will be dividing the making of the card into three parts:
- The Front Cover
- Customized Message
- The Pull-out Card
Step 3: The Front Cover
Take an A3 size color paper. You can choose the size and color of the paper as per your requirements.
Once you have the paper, fold it in half, to make the card.
Next, we will be decorating the front cover with the help of quilling art.
Step 4: The Quilling Art
Take the quilling paper and the quilling tool.
We will be making different types of flowers.
The first type that we will make is... let us call it the rose type.
Make small cuts on the quilling paper. And then roll it on the toll and bending the cuts outside to give it the look of the rose.
Similarly, we made other flowers where we will make the ends of the petals pointy. glue all the petals on the center circle that we made.
You can even combine more than one quilling paper.
Make as many items as you want. Also, you can make different shapes and sizes.
Once done, glue all the objects on the front cover in a particular pattern or randomly.
We have drawn a circle on the top-right corner to write the message on.
Step 5: Customized Message
Open up the card, we will be writing our personalized message on the right side of the card.
Take any other color paper and glue it on the card.
Upon this you will write your personalized message as long as you want or can draw doodles, that's up to you. :)
Step 6: The Pull-out Card
On the left side of the card, we will be making the pull-out card.
Take the color paper and from that paper cut out a square. We have made 4 similar squares.
Now, it's time to decorate the card. You can either draw on it or glue images on it, as we did.
To make the pull-out mechanism, take the color paper of the length more than the double of the squares and mark the outline of the square on it.
On the upper edge, make the lines of the equal lengths each at a distance of 1 cm.
Glue your images from the edges on these lines. And fold the card from the top edge. You will notice that the length of the card on the backhand is longer.
Take a small strip and fix the last or non-decorated card on the left side of the card.
You are done.
Step 7: Completing the Card
If you have made a bigger card, you may notice some free spaces. You can either fill those spaces or leave as it is.
We have filled the spaces using small cards with messages in it.
Take another colored paper and cut it in the shape of hearts. You can cut it in any shape.
Fold it from the center. Glue one side and leave the open. You can even draw on those free spaces or quill again.
Step 8: Conclusion
With this, your DIY new year greeting card is ready to spread joy to one all around you! A very happy, enlightening, and STEMazing new year from the entire team of STEMpedia!