Introduction: DIY Hanging Coffee Can Planter

About: Hi everyone! I'm a dedicated craft blogger who is very much into nature, animals and outdoor life. In the picture with me is my feline muse, Cosmo, whose purr-sonality and antics inspire a few of my projects.

I made this coffee can hanging planter because I wanted something more lightweight than your average terra cotta planter to hang in the window - plus I love to up-cycle! In this tutorial I'm going to show you how I housed a few of my indoor plants easily, and you can too!


Here's what I used: 1 plastic Folgers coffee can (holds about a pound of loose grounds), cordless drill, at least three yards of string, scissors and Sharpie pen, few beads

Be sure you get a PLASTIC coffee can for this. Once I was using a metal can, and it developed rust buildup due to all the moisture from watering, luckily the plant was fine, but the can had corroded. Bummer! So unless you're looking to house a cactus or succulent, or something that doesn't need much water, you need a plastic can. If you do use a metal one for a cactus, be sure to to a real metal can, some of the ones you see at the store are faux metal and actually made from cardboard.

Step 1: Mark Off and Drill Holes on Rim of Can

There should be three major points on the can to create the hanger. Take your can and look at it from the top view, and using a Sharpie pen mark off three points on the rim. Try to make sure there is equal distance between each other, so it will hang correctly and evenly.

Using a small bit, drill holes in each place you marked off.

Step 2: Drill a Few Drainage Holes

Your plant will need some drainage holes in the bottom of the can planter so when you go to water it, the excess water will drain out naturally. I've tried rocks in the bottom and they don't work as well. You can use the same bit size or a little bit bigger Try to distribute the holes like I'm doing here - not just a few in the middle.

Step 3: Create the Hanger

Create the hanger - Some strong cord/string or wire will work for this. Use your string to create the hanging cord - each strand should be equal in length or as close as possible and about two feet to have plenty of room. Secure a knot really well when you loop it onto the holes. Bring the cord/wire lengths to a point in the middle. You can make a loop and knot it. The knot will be where you can hang it.

Step 4: Make Sure the Hanger Is Secure

Make sure the knot you tied is secure - after all you want to have a worry-free experience with your plant! I embellished mine a little with a few beads. You could also string a few beads onto the cord before knotting each one down before tieing them all together, just to add a little something extra.

Step 5: Decorate the Front of Can

Feel free to decorate the outside a little, you can remove the outside label on the can, or if you've got writing that is infused onto the can like this one, you can cover it up with something like tape, . I made a pattern with some of my washi tape. on the front.

Step 6: Pot Your Plant, Hang Up Your Finished Plant and Enjoy!

Now you're ready to pot your plant, get your topsoil or whatever you prefer to use as a substrate. This is my philodendron. It's a thirsty plant, but it will grow like gangbusters. I water it and the run off goes right into the kitchen sink. Keep the can lid as you can attach it to the bottom for safekeeping, or it could catch the water runoff (but be sure to remove it and empty any excess water regularly.) Hang up your finished plant now and admire did it!