Introduction: DIY High Power Bench Power Supply : 85W
Power supply are the juice of your projects , be is a small maker or a pro , you always want a good stable and powerful power supply at your disposal.
The down side is , those branded power supplies are expensive , yes they include a lot of features but i don't need them , so i decided to build a simple and easy power supply that can satisfy my work.
And the journey begins
*DC to DC DC-DC 9A 300W CC CV XL4016 moule Constant current constant voltage 5-40V To 1.2-35V:
*2 102L 10K Ohm Rotary Potentiometer Wirewound Precision Pot 10 Turn,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
*Mini Digital Voltmeter Ammeter DC 100V 10A Panel Amp Volt Voltage Current Meter Tester Detector 0.56" Dual LED Display Auto Car
*24v /4 amps power supply.( or a powerful laptop charger)
Step 1: Know Your Parts
Buck converter:
A buck converter (step-down converter) is a DC-to-DC power converter which steps down voltage (while stepping up current) from its input (supply) to its output (load).
Switching converters (such as buck converters) provide much greater power efficiency as DC-to-DC converters than linear regulators, which are simpler circuits that lower voltages by dissipating power as heat, but do not step up output current
Buck converters can be highly efficient (often higher than 90%), making
them useful for tasks such as converting a computer's main (bulk) supply voltage (often 12 V) down to lower voltages needed by USB, DRAM and the CPU (1.8 V or less) ,[from Wikipedia].
Multimetre :
Make sure ,when buying one , it can handle the output voltage and current , for example mine is rated for 100v 9 amps which it more then i need , but its good to be on the safe side.
Rotary Potentiometer:
You can use normal pots like i did , but it's not a great idea for precision works , i was low on budget so i used normal ones , but in the future i will upgrade the power supply for precision works and current readings.
Power supply:
I used 24v but you can choose any thing really , as long as the buck converter can handle it
fan is optional but i advise you to use it to keep the buck cold when consuming high power.
Step 2: Wiring
I thank this for providing an easy to read schematics , i used 24v while he used 12v , but its up to you what to choose .
NOTE : important note is to check your multimetre connections at least two times , you can fry your buck converter if you are not carefull.
Step 3: The Housing
I advise you to use wood or plastic to make the housing , i know metallic box looks prettier , but looks are not every thing :).
wood or plastic will make attacking the components easier because you don't have to worry about short circuiting your components .
And with this you are ready to go :D