Introduction: DIY Mobile Phone Battery Holder
Mobile phone batteries are the best choice for low voltage DIY projects, old Nokia phone batteries are available at cheap rates, these batteries are lightweight and holds good power that makes these batteries best choice to use for DIY projects.
The problem is we have to solder these batteries in projects because the battery holder for these batteries are not available in markets, therefore in this DIY video I will cover how to make an extremely easy DIY battery holder by using a connector, PCB and paper clips and an eraser.
Step 1: Use the Connector
The logic behind using the connector is it has 2 similar lengths pins that connects to battery easily without damaging the PCB board print.
First, I have tried to solder the paper clips directly to PCB just like I have done in another DIY where we have made a battery holder for laptop batteries. But in mobile phone battery case the print always gets damaged when we push battery to connect to terminal properly
Step 2: The Connector and the Paper Clips Pins
Therefore, after several experiments I found the connector is the best choice to connect the battery terminals properly. We are going to connect the terminal pins directly to the battery and the other side where we connect the wire will be connected to the PCB using the pieces of paper clips.
Step 3: All Set
Now place the terminal into PCB properly and then sold the pins. Once done, check it by touching the battery with connector pins. Once done cut an eraser in half piece and place it at bottom of battery so that it pushes the battery towards connectors, and then cut a paper clip in U shape and insert it into the eraser and solder it into the PCB so that it sticks to the eraser with PCB properly. (Please check video for complete process)