Introduction: DIY On-Off Switch
Simple idea which dosen't require special tools or skills to make it. This perfect to use with LED diodes. I'm going to built this switch into an upcoming project so if you interested in click on the follow button ;)
- plywood or solid wood or hardwood
- thin wood (perhaps veneer or thin plywood)
- small screw
- solder tab or any electrically conductive metal
- rod or dowel
- CA glue
- sandpaper or belt sander
- scissors
- saw
- drill
That's it! (if i missed something please let me know)
Step 1: Watch the Video
Detailed video about how I made this project!
Step 2: #1 - Cutting
I made two small blocks from plywood (solid is also usable) then I cut off a nearly 1"/2,5cm long piece from a 0,5"/12,5cm inch rod
I gave a quick sand to every edge and side to make the wood blocks nearly equal wide
Step 3: #2 - Making the Base
I used CA glue to stick the blocks to a thin piece of veneer
Try to make the blocks parallel to avoid the unnecessary sanding
I did the same to the opposite side
Step 4: #3 - Construct the Knob
I marked the center of the rod piece with an awl, this is going to be the knob for the switch
I drilled a matching size hole for the screw head
I fixed it with CA glue and tried to do my best to make it straight
I put more glue onto it just in case
Step 5: #4 - Shaping
I sanded down the sides with a belt sander but the hole project can be made with only handtools and drill
To speed up the shaping process I cut off the most of the material with scissors
Step 6: #5 - Awl and Hole
Take the awl again and mark the center on the top and drill a slightly smaller hole than the screw
Step 7: #6 - Metal
This two tiny metal pieces are called for solder tab, I bent one end but any electrically conductive metal can be used
I used CA glue again to stick the metal pieces to the wood
I glued one to the bottom of the empty space and the other to the top, the key is to leave space between them
I wanted to leave only one side open so I glued another piece of veneer to the third side
Step 8: #7 - Final Sanding and Shaping
There is nothing left just to sand it down and put the knob into it and it's ready to use
Step 9: The End
I made a simple circuit to show you how this switch works (check it out on the video that's much more visible)
I connected a 3.6V battery and a rgb LED diode to the switch with alligator wires
Just turn the knob clockwise!
How this works? When you turn the knob it pushes the two metal pieces together which closes the circuit
Thanks for hanging with me
Step 10: Don't Forget to Check Out the Video
As always thanks for your support