Introduction: DIY Orange Candle

About: I love giving many DIY's and awesome tips so follow me! 🐠Just keep swimming🐠
This candle gives you an easy way to freshen up your house to smell like fruit, and not wasting anything at all!

Step 1: Get a Basic Orange

Just get a basic orange you will be eating this. (Optional)

Step 2: Cutting the Orange.

Get the orange and cut in the center lightly trying not to cut the orange inside. Get a spoon (as shown) and remove the top. Empty the orange and is optional to eat. Leave the center stem in the orange.

Step 3: Making the Candle

Fill the orange peel (one with stem) with oil. Any kind will do, leaving a little bit of stem showing. Light the stem. You now have a candle! The stem does burn though so this is disposable.