Introduction: DIY Painted Geometric Coasters

A simple project that costs little money to make cute geometric coasters that make some cute home decor for an apartment, home, office, dorm, or just about anywhere.


-cork coasters

-clear scotch tape (works best when sticking to cork)

-acrylic paint (your choice of colors)


-plastic cup with water

-paper towel

Step 1:

Figure out some possible designs you will want to do for your coasters, ideas can come from online or websites such as Pinterest. Also, you may want to read through the entire instructions before beginning.

Step 2:

Gather up all of the supplies you will need to make the coasters.

Step 3:

The first thing you’ll want to do is place the clear scotch tape onto the cork coaster in the design that you don’t want the paint to go while ensuring that you press down hard enough so that no paint could possibly get underneath the tape.

Step 4:

Be sure to extend the tape long enough down the sides and onto the back of the coaster, each coaster can have a different design to it with whatever colors you would like.

Step 5:

Place a paper towel down to ensure paint wont get onto any unwanted places and add water to the plastic cup for rinses between using different paint colors.

Step 6:

Next step is to begin painting inside the taped sections of the coaster.

Step 7:

Don’t forget to paint down the sides as well.

Step 8:

Some colors may require an additional coat to it depending on the color you desire.

Step 9:

Rinse paint brush between using different paint colors to ensure unwanted mixing wont happen.

Step 10:

Allow for the paint to completely dry. Once the paint is completely dry you can remove the tape leaving you with affordable and cute home decor that you did yourself.