Introduction: DIY Photo Frame Cardbox

About: Favorite color=orange. Self-taught techie. Fabric hoarder. Pinterest addict. I enjoy: crafting, blog-stalking, planning/organizing, shopping for unnecessary things, being outside, and playing sports.
Looking for a way to display some pictures at an event? Make a Photo Frame Card Box!


4 cheap wooden pictures frames
16 small "L" brackets with screws
1 Lazy susan
Fabric of your choice
2 pieces of cardboard
Screwdrivers to fit the "L" bracket screws


Step 1: Select your Pictures

Step 2: Buy your Picture Frames to fit the pictures

Step 3: Buy your Hardware

Step 4: Remove the Stands from the picture frames

Step 5: Frame your Pictures

Step 6: Measure & Attach "L" Brackets to the frames

Step 7: Create the Top and Bottom of your Card Box using cardboard or another sturdy board

Step 8: Create your Card Slot - use an envelope as a template, then make it slightly bigger

Step 9: Decorate the Top of your Card Box using fabric or spray paint

Step 10: Attach your Bottom

Step 11: Attach your Lazy Susan to the bottom of the box

Step 12:  Attach your Top

Full directions with more details available here: