Introduction: DIY Sensory Gel Bag

Calming sensory products for children with autism could be very pricey. A friend of mine's 11 year-old daughter with autism likes to have weight on her lap and sensory input with her hands. I have created this low-cost Sensory Gel Bag using materials from 99 cent only store. You can create this low-cost calming sensory toy within 10 minutes. It is calming and enjoyable for kids of all ages.


  • Freezer Bag <1 gallon size> (you may use a sandwich bag for a lighter/smaller one)
  • Hair-gel - 3 bottles (10.6 oz)
  • Duct Tape
  • Fillers of your choice (i.e. marbles, glitters, sequins, bouncy balls, small plastic toys) *Note: Make sure your fillers are smooth edged, to avoid puncturing through the bag.

Step 1: Duct Tape the Edges

To make the bag sturdy, pretty, and to avoid spillage, duct tape the sides of the freezer bag. Leave the opening to fill.

Step 2: Fill the Bag With Hair-gel

Fill the bag with your favorite colored hair-gel. Do not overfill to save room for the fillers.

Step 3: Add Fun Fillers!

Add your favorite fillers such as marbles, bouncy balls, glitter, sequins, and small plastic toys.

For maximize the sensations, choose variety of objects in different sizes and colors.


Step 4: Seal the Bag and Duct Tape It

Let excess air out and seal the freezer bag.

Duct tape the seal to prevent leakage.

Step 5: Time to Enjoy!

Your sensory bag is now ready!

You can now enjoy calming yet stimulating sensations.

When placed on your lap, it gives you a pleasant and calming weight.