Introduction: DIY Space Yin Yang

Quick, easy spray paint art

Step 1: Setup

  • spray paint (white, black, red and blue, other colors can be used for accent) , poster/poster board, spare newspapers, (spray paint caps or old cooking lids)
  • ventilation mask or respirator, gloves
  • well ventilated area, (sunlight optional), large drop cloth or newspaper area

Step 2: Layout

Step 3: Yin

  • separate blue colors for dark left side (yin)
  • paint chosen color in location of planet and outer border

  • layer area with black layer

  • while black layer is still wet take a crumpled up newspaper and dab over black area

  • can repeat with more shades of color to enhance the effect

  • lightly spray a small white dust layer to brighten ice effect

  • cover planet with cap to prevent color bleed

Step 4: Yang

  • separate red colors for dark right side
  • paint yellow and red in location of planet and outer border
  • while red layer is still wet take a newspaper and lay it over red area while dragging fingers
  • can repeat with more shades of color to enhance the effect
  • lightly spray a small red dust layer to deepen fire effect
  • cover planet with cap to prevent color bleed

Step 5: Borders

  • surround planets in black and outline the blue/red areas
  • fill in areas of black -use spare newspaper to make circular border
  • spray inside border lightly in black to create spherical illusion

Step 6: Background Space

  • fill in outside of circle paint black and add color strips of aurora
  • use newspaper border create another circular border in the same place
  • spray outside border with corresponding colors to create a halo effect
  • spray around yellow cap with red/yellow paint
  • spray around red cap with blue/white paint
  • spray tip of finger with white paint and flick towards painting to create star
  • speckles -(or) lightly spray white almost at point of no paint produced

Step 7: Finished Product

  • depending on where you spray drying time can vary
  • if outdoors on a sunny day it will dry in about 5 minutes,if indoors it will take closer to 30 minutes
  • Once dry clean up drop cloth for later use or throw away newspapers
  • painting might have a layer of dust, if so wait until fully dried (45 minutes) then either brush off or blow the surface with compressed air