Introduction: DIY Turquoise Inspired Jewelry

About: Hello my name is Lindsay. I love creating and sharing!
Hello! My name is Lindsay and you can find me over at Delighted Momma.  I LOVE real turquoise jewelry but it can be so expensive! I am going to show you how you can recreate the turquoise look with polymer clay.

Step 1: What You Will Need

What you will need:
  • Polymer clay. I mixed the two colors above to give it a little bit more of a greenish blue tone.
  • Black or brown acrylic paint
  • Sand
  • A hand sander
  • Old tupperware for mixing
  • Gloves. Unless you want sand and acrylic paint embedded in your fingers.

Step 2: Prepare the Clay

I mixed the two colors shown in the previous picture together to get a more turquoise shade.

Step 3: Blending Everything Together

Place sand and a few drops of paint in the bowl. Mix everything together and really work the sand and paint into the clay. Its going to look like a big ole mess but trust me it comes together. Decide on the shape you would like to make and mold it.

If you plan on making your piece into a pendant, poke a hole through it with a toothpick.

Bake for 20 min at 270 degrees.

If you are like me you might be asking yourself.."Isn't acrylic paint flammable?!!" After a quick google search I discovered it's not. I wasn't convinced so I had baking soda and a pot ready to go just in case. I learned this is how you put out an oven fire. Good to know.

Step 4: Sand Your Finished Piece

Using the sander, sand away until you start to see the black veins pop through.

Step 5: All Sanded and Ready to Wear!

I covered it with a layer of Mod Podge to give it a more finished look. You could also use clear nail polish or leave it as it.