Introduction: DIY Melted Crayon Painting:)

The DIY melted crayon painting is an easy way to to decorate those plain walls with some bright and colorful colors with easy and convenient materials.

Step 1: Materials

you will need.......

- a canvas

- a hairdryer

- a hot glue gun

- paper towels or bags

- crayons (I used 23)

- painters tape (optional)

Step 2: Glue

Hot glue the crayons down in a straight line. Make sure to have the Crayola logo up. Use painters tape to make a design (optional).

Step 3: Protect Walls, Furniture, or Carpet

Set up something that will save any marks or stains that might splatter.

Step 4: Melt the Crayons

Point the hairdryer down and start to heat up the crayons. Keep melting the crayons until you get your desired painting.

Step 5: Touchups

Peel off the tape. Paint and touchup the excess crayon to make it look neater.

Step 6: Finished:)

Finally finished! Hang it up to brighten the walls!

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