Introduction: Delicious Corn Salsa

About: I've been making art my whole life and work in many mediums .I also enjoy cooking .Visit my Etsy shop.

The secret of this dish is pan roasting the corn first .Then adding apple cider vinegar.The dry corn sucks up the vinegar and makes it tart and crisp. Goes great with any Mexican or Tex -Mex dish.I like mine with quesadillas and Mexican rice.

Step 1: Ingredients

Base recipe
16 oz. corn, canned drained ,1/4 cup green bell pepper chopped, 1/4 cup green onions with tops, 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar ,1 Tbsp. vegetable oil ,salt and pepper to taste

You can also add the following if you want. Cumin ,chili powder and green chilies or jalapeños.

Step 2: Putting It Together

Make corn salsa: Heat a cast-iron skillet over medium high heat until hot, then pan-roast corn, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Then add the vinegar .Stir till absorbed, then transfer to a bowl.
Add oil to pan on medium heat .Cook onions & peppers . Add salt, pepper and spices . Stir until onions are tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Then return corn to pan .Remove from heat. Enjoy !!

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