Introduction: Denim Dog Toy
Wanna have some cool and sturdy dog toy? This dog toy wont cost you a lot of money. Simply find any old denim jeans in your closet. And just a few redesigning on your old jeans, you can have a new Denim Dog Toy.
Things you need:
[1] Old Denim Jeans
[2] Scissors
Things you need:
[1] Old Denim Jeans
[2] Scissors
Step 1:
Cut the lower part of your denim jeans.
Step 2:
After cutting the lower part of the jeans, cut one of its side lengthwise.
Step 3:
Fold It!
Step 4:
It should look like this..
Step 5:
Make a loop..
Step 6:
Close the loop and make a knot.
Step 7: Final
And now it's DONE. Hope you like it! ENJOY! :))