Introduction: Desktop Slingshot

About: My name is Christian, and I am an 18 years old Dane. I like gaming, cooking and experimenting. I also like the small, cheap and easy instructables.
In this is instructable, i am going to show you how to make an easy to use, desktop slingshot.

This instructable is in the craft contest, the toy contest and the launch it contest, so it would be very nice if you would vote for me!

Step 1: Bending the Paperclip

Use the nose pliers to bend the paper clip into the shape seen above.

Step 2: Glue the Staples and Attach the Rubberband

Glue the staples onto the paperclip, like on the picture above. I molded walls of glue at the end of the staples, to make it easier to hold the ammunition. It is possible to mold the glue, if you lick you fingers right before you do it. Be careful not to burn yourself :-) It is a good idea to stretch the rubberband before you add it to the paperclip. This will make it more elastic and easier to use :-). Bend the paperclips edges over the rubberband and be careful not to press too hard. You might cut the rubberband :-).

Step 3: Ammunition

Make the ammunition out of foil. It doesn't hurt to get hit by one and they can shoot much longer than paper balls.

Step 4: Launching

When you are ready to launch the slingshot, you need to hold it between your index finger and thumb like on the picture. You can might make some shooting targets out of paper clips too? Have fun!
Launch It! Contest

Finalist in the
Launch It! Contest

Toy Contest

Participated in the
Toy Contest

Craft Contest

Participated in the
Craft Contest