Introduction: Device for Working With Small Nuts

This is a simple device for picking up and treading small nuts onto machine screws. I work a lot with 2mm screws and found this tool much superior to my aging fingers.


1/4 inch dowel cut to needed length ( the handles of old artist paint brushes that are a bit smaller diameter than 1/4 inch work superlatively just cut the brush end off )

Poster putty for sticking posters to walls

Step 1:

Cut your dowel to lengths needed. I make several from an inch or so long to four inches so I have one to fit the space I am working in.

Step 2:

Tear off a piece of poster putty to form around the end of the dowel so it adheres to the end of the dowel with a sufficient amount on the tip to allow picking up and holding a nut.

Step 3:

Press the poster putty end of the tool onto a nut, it will pick it the nut up and you can thread it onto the screw. Tighten the nut with your usual tool.

Build-A-Tool Contest

This is an entry in the
Build-A-Tool Contest