Introduction: Diorama of a Waterfall

This is a small project of a diorama with a waterfall in it .

Step 1:

i have taken a sheet of thick cardboard about 40 "x 50 " inches (L * B), then added few news paper rolls to make a base for the forest and mountains, when you are done with fixing the paper balls in place , then cover it with thin cotton cloth and a mixture of water and white cement ( POP) , same as in the picture shown .

Step 2:

after the cement dries, its time to paint , start with a light shade of brown on the whole area , then i have made a provision for making a river in this diorama, so colored it blue with some white for foaming effect.

Step 3:

now add the green grass to the forest first , :) .... i e go to the nearest carpenter and get some sawdust, sieve it to remove all the big chunks of wood , then take the fine sawdust in three different plastic/ paper cups ( about 1/2 cup each) , now add three different shades of green to three cups with sawdust and mix well , you can mix a few drops of water if necessary . Add a layer of glue to the area where you want the grass effect and sprinkle the sawdust . refer the pic if necessary .

Step 4:

now add trees , i hv made trees out of twigs from my garden and few from wire and scrub pad. and made the water fall by using silicon paste ( please use gloves when using silicon) . added few extra stones , twigs and some plastic animals to give it a look of a forest.